Search results (817)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- Bioconjugate Chemistry 1043-1802 1520-4812 American Chemical Society 100
- Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 0208-5216 Elsevier B.V. 140
- Biodegradation 0923-9820 1572-9729 Springer 70
- Bioelectrochemistry 1567-5394 1521-186X Elsevier 100
- Biofouling 0892-7014 1029-2454 Taylor & Francis Group 70
- Bioinformatics 1367-4803 1460-2059 Oxford University Press 200
- Biological Trace Element Research 0163-4984 1559-0720 Springer Nature 70
- Biology 2079-7737 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 100
- Biology Direct 1745-6150 BioMed Central 100
- Biology of Sport 0860-021X 2083-1862 Institute of Sport – National Research Institute 140
- Biomaterials Science 2047-4830 2047-4849 Royal Society of Chemistry 140
- Biomedical Optics Express 2156-7085 2156-7085 Optical Society of America 140
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 1746-8094 1746-8108 Elsevier Science Ltd 140
- Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 0753-3322 1950-6007 100
- Biomedicines 2227-9059 100
- BioMed Research International 2314-6133 2314-6141 Hindawi Publishing Corporation 20
- Biomimetics 2313-7673 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 20
- Biomolecules 2218-273X Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 100
- Bioorganic Chemistry 0045-2068 1090-2120 Elsevier 100
- Biophysical Chemistry 0301-4622 1873-4200 Elsevier 70
- Biophysical Journal 0006-3495 1542-0086 Cell Press 100
- Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 1615-7591 1615-7605 70
- BioResources 1930-2126 North Carolina University 100
- Bioresource Technology 0960-8524 1873-2976 Elsevier Science Ltd 140
- Bioresource Technology Reports 2589-014X Elsevier 20
- Biosensors 2079-6374 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 70
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics 0956-5663 1873-4235 Elsevier B.V. 200
- BioSystems 0303-2647 1872-8324 Elsevier Science Ltd 70
- Biosystems Engineering 1537-5110 1537-5129 Elsevier 100
- Biotechnologia 0860-7796 2353-9461 Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN 70
- Biotechnology Advances 0734-9750 1873-1899 Elsevier 200
- Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 1226-8372 1976-3816 The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering 40
- Biotechnology for Biofuels 1754-6834 BMC 20
- Biotechnology Letters 0141-5492 1573-6776 Springer 70
- Biotechnology Progress 8756-7938 1520-6033 Wiley-Blackwell 70
- BMC Bioinformatics 1471-2105 Springer Nature 100
- BMC Genomics 1471-2164 Springer 140
- BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 1471-2474 Springer Nature 100
- BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 1471-2229 BMC 140
- BMC Veterinary Research 1746-6148 1746-6148 BMC 140
- Brain Sciences 2076-3425 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 100
- Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 1517-8382 1678-4405 Springer 70
- Briefings in Bioinformatics 1467-5463 1477-4054 Oxford University Press 140
- Building and Environment 0360-1323 1873-684X Elsevier 200
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 0007-4861 1432-0800 Springer 40
- Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 0315-1468 1208-6029 NRC Research Press 40
- Cancer Biomarkers 1574-0153 1875-8592 IOS Press 70
- Cancers 2072-6694 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 140
- Carbohydrate Polymers 0144-8617 1879-1344 Elsevier B.V. 140
- Carbon 0008-6223 1873-3891 Elsevier 140
- Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 2666-0164 Elsevier 20
- Catalysts 2073-4344 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 100
- Cells 2073-4409 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 140
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 1420-682X 1420-9071 Springer International Publishing 140
- Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 1425-8153 1689-1392 Springer Nature 100
- Cellular Polymers 0262-4893 1478-2421 RAPRA Technology Ltd. 40
- Cellulose 0969-0239 1572-882X Springer Nature B.V. 100
- Cement and Concrete Composites 0958-9465 1873-393X Elsevier 200
- Cement and Concrete Research 0008-8846 1873-3948 Elsevier 200
- Cement Wapno Beton 1425-8129 Spółka Cement-Wapno-Beton 70
- Central European Journal of Energetic Materials 1733-7178 2353-1843 Instytut Przemysłu Organicznego 70
- Ceramics International 0272-8842 1873-3956 Elsevier Science Ltd 100
- ChemCatChem 1867-3880 1867-3899 Wiley Online Library 100
- Chemical Biology & Drug Design 1747-0277 1747-0285 70
- Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 0255-2701 1873-3204 Elsevier B.V. 140
- Chemical Engineering Journal 1385-8947 1873-3212 Elsevier 200
- Chemical Papers 0366-6352 2585-7290 Springer 40
- Chemistry - A European Journal 0947-6539 1521-3765 Wiley-Blackwell 140
- Chemistry and Ecology 0275-7540 1029-0370 Taylor & Francis 40
- Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 0009-3084 1873-2941 Elsevier 100
- Chemistry & Biodiversity 1612-1872 1612-1880 John Wiley & Sons 70
- Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology 1640-9019 2084-4506 Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej 20
- Chemistry & Sustainability 1864-5631 1864-564X Wiley 140
- ChemNanoMat 2199-692X Wiley 100
- Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 0169-7439 1873-3239 Elsevier 100
- Chemosphere 0045-6535 1879-1298 Elsevier 140
- Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 2465-4337 Chiang Mai University 20
- Children 2227-9067 MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 40
- Chromatographia 0009-5893 1612-1112 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 40
- Civil-Comp Proceedings 1759-3433 Civil-Comp Press 20
- CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water 1863-0650 1863-0669 Wiley-Blackwell 40
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 1618-954X 1618-9558 Springer Nature 100
- Cognitive Systems Research 2214-4366 1389-0417 Elsevier 70
- Colloid and Polymer Science 0303-402X 1435-1536 Springer 70
- Colloids and Interfaces 2504-5377 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 20
- Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 0927-7765 1873-4367 Elsevier 100
- Coloration Technology 1472-3581 1478-4408 Wiley-Blackwell 40
- Communications Biology 2399-3642 Springer Nature 20
- Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 0010-3624 1532-2416 Taylor & Francis Group 40
- Complexity 1076-2787 1099-0526 Hindawi, Wiley 70
- Compost Science & Utilization 1065-657X 2326-2397 Taylor & Francis 40
- Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1748-670X 1748-6718 Hindawi 20
- Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2001-0370 Elsevier 100
- Computational Biology and Chemistry 1476-9271 1476-928X Elsevier 70
- Computational Materials Science 0927-0256 Elsevier 100
- Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 0895-6111 1879-0771 Elsevier 100
- Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 0169-2607 1872-7565 Elsevier B.V. 100
- Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 1025-5842 1476-8259 Taylor & Francis 70
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 0168-1699 1872-7107 Elsevier 100
- Computers in Biology and Medicine 0010-4825 1879-0534 Elsevier 100
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