Search results (337)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 1619-4500 1614-2411 Springer Nature 70
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 1556-4681 1556-472X Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 100
- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia 1644-0757 2450-047X Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie 20
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica 0208-6018 2353-7663 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 40
- Advanced Sustainable Systems 2366-7486 Wiley 40
- Advances in Production Engineering & Management 1854-6250 1855-6531 University of Maribor 100
- Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2080-4075 2299-8624 Politechnika Lubelska 100
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 0167-8809 1873-2305 Elsevier 200
- AI Magazine 0738-4602 2371-9621 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 100
- Analytical Methods 1759-9660 1759-9679 Royal Society of Chemistry 70
- Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H, Oeconomia 0459-9586 Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie 70
- Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 1572-9338 Springer 70
- Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Forestry and Wood Technology 1898-5912 Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press 40
- Applied Computer Science 1895-3735 2353-6977 70
- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2193-567X 2191-4281 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 40
- Archives of Control Sciences 1230-2384 2300-2611 Polish Academy of Sciences 100
- Archives of Transport 0866-9546 2300-8830 Polish Academy of Sciences 100
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 0217-5959 1793-7019 World Scientific Publishing Co. & Operational Research Society of Singapore 40
- Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 1822-427X 1822-4288 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 70
- Bell Labs Technical Journal 1089-7089 1538-7305 IEEE 100
- Business, Management and Education 2029-7491 2029-6169 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 20
- Central European Journal of Operations Research 1435-246X 1613-9178 Springer Nature 70
- Central European Management Journal 2658-0845 2658-2430 Emerald 100
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 1618-954X 1618-9558 Springer Nature 100
- Communications Biology 2399-3642 Springer Nature 20
- Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 0361-0918 1532-4141 Taylor & Francis 40
- Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 0361-0926 1532-415X Taylor & Francis 40
- Complexity 1076-2787 1099-0526 Hindawi, Wiley 70
- Computational Management Science 1619-697X 1619-6988 Springer 70
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 0167-9473 1872-7352 Elsevier 100
- Computer Communications 0140-3664 Elsevier 140
- Computer Networks 1389-1286 Elsevier 100
- Computers and Operations Research 0305-0548 1873-765X Elsevier 140
- Computer Science and Information Systems 1820-0214 2406-1018 ComSIS Consortium 40
- Computers & Industrial Engineering 0360-8352 1879-0550 Elsevier 140
- Data & Knowledge Engineering 0169-023X 1872-6933 Elsevier 100
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1384-5810 1573-756X Springer US 140
- Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services 1896-8325 2300-7087 AGH University of Science and Technology Press 20
- Decision Support Systems 0167-9236 Elsevier 140
- Discourses on Culture 2450-0402 20
- Discrete Applied Mathematics 0166-218X 1872-6771 Elsevier 70
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1607-887X Hindawi Publishing Corporation 40
- Discrete Optimization 1572-5286 Elsevier 70
- E a M: Ekonomie a Management 1212-3609 2336-5064 Technicka Universita v Liberci 70
- Economics and Business Review 2392-1641 Poznan University of Economics Press 70
- Education Sciences 2227-7102 MDPI AG 70
- Edukacja ekonomistów i menadżerów. Problemy. Innowacje. Projekty 1734-087X Kolegium Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 20
- Ekonometria 1507-3866 2449-9994 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu 40
- Ekonomia i Prawo 1898-2255 2392-1625 Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu 70
- Ekonomia i Środowisko 0867-8898 2300-6420 Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych 100
- Ekonomista 0013-3205 2299-6184 Wydawnictwo Key Text 40
- Ekonomski Vjesnik 0353-359X 1847-2206 Ekonomski Fakultet u Osijeku 20
- Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 1507-2711 Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne 140
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1567-4223 1873-7846 Elsevier 100
- Electronic Library 0264-0473 Emerald Publishing Ltd 70
- E-Mentor 1731-6758 1731-7428 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Oficyna Wydawnicza 40
- Energies 1996-1073 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 140
- Energy Conversion and Management 0196-8904 1879-2227 Elsevier 200
- Energy Conversion and Management: X 2590-1745 20
- Energy Economics 0140-9883 1873-6181 Elsevier 200
- Energy Research & Social Science 2214-6296 2214-6326 Elsevier 140
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 0952-1976 1873-6769 Elsevier 140
- Engineering Economics 1392-2785 2029-5839 Kaunas University of Technology 70
- Engineering Management in Production and Services 2543-6597 2543-912X Bialystok University of Technology Faculty of Engineering Management 70
- Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 1029-0273 Taylor & Francis 70
- Enterprise Information Systems 1751-7575 1751-7583 Taylor & Francis 100
- Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2353-883X 2353-8821 Cracow University of Economics 100
- Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 1582-9596 1843-3707 Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi 70
- Environmental Impact Assessment Review 0195-9255 140
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 0167-6369 1573-2959 Springer 70
- Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 1689-765X 2353-3293 Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne. Oddział w Toruniu 100
- EURO Journal on Decision Processes 2193-9438 2193-9446 20
- European Journal of Industrial Engineering 1751-5254 1751-5262 IJEP - Inderscience Publishers 40
- European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2411-958X 2411-4138 European Center for Science Education and Research 20
- European Journal of Operational Research 0377-2217 1872-6860 Elsevier 140
- European Journal of Sustainable Development 2239-5938 2239-6101 Canadian Institute of Technology 40
- European Research Studies Journal 1108-2976 International Strategic Management Association (ISMA) 100
- European Transport 1825-3997 20
- Evolutionary Computation 1063-6560 1530-9304 MIT Press 100
- Expert Systems with Applications 0957-4174 1873-6793 Elsevier 200
- Extremes 1386-1999 1572-915X Springer Nature 100
- Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia 1730-4237 1898-0198 40
- Forum Scientiae Oeconomia 2300-5947 2353-4435 Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSB 70
- Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 0867-6356 2300-3405 Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej ; Sciendo 40
- Foundations of Management 2300-5661 2080-7279 Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology 40
- Foundations of Science 1233-1821 140
- Frontiers in Energy Research 2296-598X Frontiers 100
- Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1568-4539 1573-2908 Springer US 100
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0165-0114 1872-6801 Elsevier 140
- Gospodarka Materiałowa & Logistyka 1231-2037 Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne 40
- Gospodarka Narodowa 0867-0005 2300-5238 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie 70
- Group Decision and Negotiation 0926-2644 1572-9907 Springer 100
- Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2651-477X 2651-477X 40
- Health Care Management Science 1386-9620 1572-9389 100
- Horyzonty Polityki 2082-5897 2353-950X Akademia Ignatium w Krakowie 100
- HORYZONTY WYCHOWANIA 1643-9171 2391-9485 Wydawnictwo Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie 70
- Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2192-1962 Korea Information Processing Society – Computer Software Research Group 100
- Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing 1090-8471 1520-6564 70
- Humanitas University's Research Papers Management 1899-8658 Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas w Sosnowcu 40
- Humanities and Social Sciences 2300-5327 2300-9918 Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza 70
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