Search results (303)
- Journal title ISSN eISSN Publisher name Current scoring
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 1533-5399 1557-6051 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 140
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 1556-4681 1556-472X Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 100
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2168-0485 2168-0485 American Chemical Society 140
- Acta Acustica united with Acustica (Acta Acust united Ac) 1610-1928 1861-9959 European Acoustics Association (EAA) 70
- Acta Polytechnica 1210-2709 1805-2363 Czech Technical University in Prague 40
- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura 1644-0633 Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego 20
- Advanced Energy Materials 1614-6832 1614-6840 Wiley-VCH 200
- Advanced Materials 0935-9648 1521-4095 Wiley-Blackwell 200
- Advanced Materials Technologies 2365-709X 2365-709X 100
- Advanced Sustainable Systems 2366-7486 Wiley 40
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 0167-8809 1873-2305 Elsevier 200
- AICHE Journal 0001-1541 1547-5905 Wiley-Blackwell 140
- Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 1898-8784 Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press 20
- Applied Acoustics 0003-682X 1872-910X Elsevier 100
- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1866-9557 1866-9565 Springer Nature 100
- Architecture and Urban Planning / Scientific Journal of RTU 1691-4333 2255-8764 Riga Technical University, Latvia 20
- Architecture Civil Engineering Environment 1899-0142 The Silesian University of Technology 70
- Architectus 1429-7507 2084-5227 Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej 70
- Archives of Acoustics 0137-5075 2300-262X Committee on Acoustics PAS, PAS Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Acoustical Society 100
- Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 1644-9665 2083-3318 Springer Nature 140
- Archives of Civil Engineering 1230-2945 2300-3103 Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee for Civil Engineering 100
- Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics 1231-3726 2300-8687 De Gruyter 20
- Archives of Transport 0866-9546 2300-8830 Polish Academy of Sciences 100
- Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research 2631-6862 1938-7806 Emerald Publishing Ltd 40
- Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 1822-427X 1822-4288 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 70
- BFT International Betonwerk + Fertigteiltechnik 0373-4331 Bauverlag 20
- Biomimetics 2313-7673 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 20
- BioResources 1930-2126 North Carolina University 100
- Bioresource Technology Reports 2589-014X Elsevier 20
- Budownictwo i Architektura 1899-0665 2544-3275 Politechnika Lubelska. Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury 40
- Builder 1896-0642 PWB Media 40
- Building and Environment 0360-1323 1873-684X Elsevier 200
- Buildings 2075-5309 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 70
- Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 0239-7528 2300-1917 Polska Akademia Nauk 100
- Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 0315-1468 1208-6029 NRC Research Press 40
- Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 2666-0164 Elsevier 20
- Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2214-157X Elsevier 70
- Cement and Concrete Composites 0958-9465 1873-393X Elsevier 200
- Cement and Concrete Research 0008-8846 1873-3948 Elsevier 200
- Cement Wapno Beton 1425-8129 Spółka Cement-Wapno-Beton 70
- ChemEngineering 2305-7084 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) 20
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2080-5187 2450-8594 Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego 70
- CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water 1863-0650 1863-0669 Wiley-Blackwell 40
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 1618-954X 1618-9558 Springer Nature 100
- Cognitive Systems Research 2214-4366 1389-0417 Elsevier 70
- Communications Biology 2399-3642 Springer Nature 20
- Composites Part B: Engineering 1359-8368 1879-1069 Elsevier 200
- Composite Structures 0263-8223 1879-1085 Elsevier 140
- Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 2299-3649 2956-5839 Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN 70
- Computer Communications 0140-3664 Elsevier 140
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 0045-7825 Elsevier 200
- Computer Networks 1389-1286 Elsevier 100
- Computer Physics Communications 0010-4655 1879-2944 Elsevier B.V. 140
- Computers and Concrete 1598-8198 1598-818X Techno Press 70
- Computer Science 1508-2806 2300-7036 AGH University of Science and Technology Press 40
- Computer Science and Information Systems 1820-0214 2406-1018 ComSIS Consortium 40
- Computers & Industrial Engineering 0360-8352 1879-0550 Elsevier 140
- Computers & Structures 0045-7949 Elsevier 140
- Computing and Informatics 1335-9150 2585-8807 Slovak Academy of Sciences 20
- Construction and Building Materials 0950-0618 1879-0526 Elsevier 140
- Construction of Optimized Energy Potential 2299-8535 2544-693X Czestochowa University of Technology 40
- Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 1064-3389 1547-6537 Taylor & Francis Group 200
- Current Pollution Reports 2198-6592 2198-6592 Springer 70
- Czas Kultury 0867-2148 Stowarzyszenie Czasu Kultury 70
- Data & Knowledge Engineering 0169-023X 1872-6933 Elsevier 100
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1384-5810 1573-756X Springer US 140
- Decision Support Systems 0167-9236 Elsevier 140
- Defence Technology 2214-9147 Elsevier 100
- Designs 2411-9660 MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 20
- Development Southern Africa 0376-835X 1470-3637 Taylor & Francis 70
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1607-887X Hindawi Publishing Corporation 40
- Drewno. Prace naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty 1644-3985 Instytut Technologii Drewna w Poznaniu 100
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 1898-6196 2084-4549 Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej 40
- Ecological Indicators 1470-160X 1872-7034 Elsevier 200
- Education Sciences 2227-7102 MDPI AG 70
- Ekonomia i Środowisko 0867-8898 2300-6420 Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych 100
- Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability 1507-2711 Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne 140
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1567-4223 1873-7846 Elsevier 100
- E-Mentor 1731-6758 1731-7428 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Oficyna Wydawnicza 40
- Energy 0360-5442 1873-6785 Elsevier 200
- Energy and Buildings 0378-7788 1872-6178 Elsevier 140
- Energy & Environmental Science 1754-5692 1754-5706 Royal Society of Chemistry 200
- Energy Reports 2352-4847 2352-4847 Elsevier 100
- Energy Research & Social Science 2214-6296 2214-6326 Elsevier 140
- Energy Storage Materials 2405-8297 Elsevier 200
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 0955-7997 1873-197X Elsevier 100
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 0952-1976 1873-6769 Elsevier 140
- Engineering Computations 0264-4401 1758-7077 Emerald 70
- Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 1029-0273 Taylor & Francis 70
- Engineering Review 1330-9587 1849-0433 40
- Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 2215-0986 Elsevier 100
- Engineering Structures 0141-0296 1873-7323 Elsevier Science Ltd 140
- Enterprise Information Systems 1751-7575 1751-7583 Taylor & Francis 100
- Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 1582-9596 1843-3707 Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi 70
- Environmental Impact Assessment Review 0195-9255 140
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 0167-6369 1573-2959 Springer 70
- Environmental Pollution 0269-7491 1873-6424 Elsevier 100
- Environmental Research 0013-9351 1096-0953 Elsevier 100
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research 0944-1344 1614-7499 Springer 100
- Environmental Science & Technology 0013-936X 1520-5851 ACS Publications 140
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